A simple in(tro)duction

So I figured since this is the first trance I'm writing I might as well just do a simple induction and at the same time an introduction to hypnosis. So sit back, relax, make sure you have plenty of undisturbed time and you won't be opperating heavy machinery while or directly after reading this (I doubt you will be but let's be safe).

Now you might have seen hypnosis depicted in the media, you know, someone staring at a spiral and just going blank and becoming completely controlled, that kind of thing. Of course that's unrealistic, simple fiction, though some people quite like that fantasy. Or maybe the word hypnosis makes you think of someone sawaying a pocket watch in front of someone's eyes and telling them that they're getting oh so sleepy. That's a bit closer to the truth, really, personally I'm quite fond of pocket watches for the cliché, but really, it's much much easier than that.

See, hypnosis is simply the act of a hypnotist (in our case that's me) putting a subject (right now that's you) into trance. And that can be done through many many ways. Sure there's spirals and pocketwatches and all sorts of other fancy gimmicks, but really? All it takes is focus. The right words from me and focus from you can lead to you just sinking all the way into a lovely trance.

And trance really is a nice feeling. Some people feel light, some heavy, either way it's pleasant. Your body relaxes, more and more with every word, and so does your mind. Maybe it feels like youre melting into whatever you're sitting or laying on, maybe it feels like you're floating away. Either is fine, everything you're feeling is fine and perfectly natural.

There are a lot of ways to start an induction, the progress of getting you into trance. I might ask you to focus on your breathing, ask you to take deep, slow breaths, letting a nice, deep pattern form and feeling yourself drift further and further down with every single nice and deep breath. Or maybe I'd ask you to direct your focus to something else. My phrasing maybe? Or maybe the syntax? If this wasn't text you had to read but maybe an audio instead I could ask you to focus on a spot in the room you're in or maybe I'd be cliché and put a spiral somewhere. A seemlessly looping spiral, endlessly revolving, turn after turn slowly pulling those thoughts out of your mind. And I didn't even need to put one here, did I? Your imagination did that for me.

And then there's countdowns. Those are also very popular in inductions. And quite often they're connected to this very specific visualisation; Imagine, if you will, a staircase. You're standing at the very top and at the bottom of that staircase there is the most comfortable bed you've ever seen. It's just ten steps from where you are, all the way down to the bottom. And with every number I count you can visualise yourself taking another step toward that bed. Sounds easy enough, doesn't it? Exactly. So let's do that


It's easy to just sink a little deeper with each number


Easily drifting, and we'll take a few steps at once




Almost half way there now


Just sinking, enjoying the process




Almost at the bottom


The final step and...


Letting yourself fall onto the bed. There we go. Just drifting now, deep and comfortable. And you can enjoy this feeling for a little longer, before slowly waking at your own pace. Taking all the time you need and then waking to feel nice and refreshed.

Thanks for reading this <3

---Welcome to the somnus, we dream your trues make come---