Digital Altars

------------------deity specific altars------------------deity specific altars------------------

Altar to Hypnos

Altar to Dionysus

Altar to Loki

Altar to Morpheus

So a little about my craft: I'm an eclectic, solitary practitioner with a large focus on deity work. I believe that magic doesn't have to be complicated or formal (though it can be and I absolutely don't judge anyone whose craft is), in fact, my craft, including my deity work, is relatively casual and improvisational. Don't get me wrong I love myself some incense and chanting as much as the next guy but fuck it, I've got cfs, I can't do rituals most of the time. So I don't, instead trying to do magic in all sorts of small, simple ways throughout my day. From blessing my beverages to offering my deities small, fun things like adding to their pinterest boards or these digital altars. I'll probably talk a lot about deity work because it's one of the most consistant part of my craft at the moment. I work with Hypnos, Dionysus and Loki, (yes I mixed pantheons, sue me) and I have come to the conclusion that deity work, like all other magick, varies from practitioner to practitioner, I'll probably go into my particular way of doing things in another post some other time. For now enjoy these altars.


So I kind of want to talk a little about an experience I had today just because I feel it sums up my practice really well. Basically I was scrolling through the deity work tag on tiktok and out of curiosity I looked up "deity work hypnos" to see what it would spit out because Hypnos is way less popular than the other two deities I work with. And Tiktok did spit out a couple videos on Hypnos and then a bunch on Loki and Dionysus, like I'm not even kidding, usually the deity work tag on Tiktok, no matter what deity you're looking for, is pretty flooded with Apollo, Hermes and Aprhodite but no, very specifically Loki and Dionysus kept popping up an insane ammount. And since I was feeling the presence of all three of them pretty heavily (not unpleasantly though), I was basically just going there, talking at them out loud because I'm alone in the house today and don't have to worry about sounding insane, along the lines of "yes, I know you're here, you don't need to remind me." And then I had to laugh. No clue why but it just kind of overtook me. So here I am, writing this, having offered some biscuits to Hypnos (who apparently has a bit of a sweet tooth for comforting things), drinking a glass of grape juice for Dionysus (becase I can't drink actual alcohol due to my chronic illness (POTS gets you drunk so fucking fast)) and about to make some cup noodles as a devotional act to Loki. This kind of shit is what I talk about when I say deity work/worship. It's sweet, it's casual and it's comfortable. Of course I don't blame you if your craft looks different, we're all different people with different exact beliefs, but personally? The whole calling my deities Lord or Lady, formal prayer or whatever just isn't my thing. Maybe it's because of the deities I work with or maybe it's just me but it feels too formal. Either way, there's an annecdote for you.


So I would like to talk about more deity work type stuff because I find it fascinating how differently different people approach magick in a broad sense and deity work/worship in the specific. Personally I'm very casual about and with my deities, I'm claireaudient, I joke with my deities, I don't grovel or anything, yes I'm generally respectful, usually anyway, but I've found that vaguely swearing at Loki is a shockingly useful way of finding things I'm looking for. And then on the other hand you have people who cleanse and cover their heads and refer to their deities as Lord or Lady so and so. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anyone here is right or wrong, I believe that there is no real wrong way of going about these things outside of appropriating closed cultures or being a dick to other people with different beliefs, I just find it really interesting to see how the experience that people have in working with deities and their approach to it varies. Because it's really cool to see and I genuinely love to learn about different people's beliefs and world views.